Margo Steinlage

Licensed Medicare Agent

With a background in Estate Planning and Insurance Law and over 10 years of Medicare experience, Margo is able to maneuver the individual Medicare market.  She handles every aspect of Medicare enrollment in the majority of states. When Margo meets with clients, she completes a comprehensive Medicare review; Including: Medicare Advantage; Medigap/supplement, and Part D drug comparisons; IRMAA appeals; comparing and contrasting COBRA, retiree, and group plan costs to Medicare; and instructions on Medicare A/B Enrollment. With a focus on the individual’s needs, she walks clients through the entire Medicare process.

How Margo Steinlage can help you

  • As an independent agent, Margo represents the majority of carriers that offer individual health insurance plans, nationwide. 
  • Continuous communication with the client throughout and after the enrollment process.
  • Annual review with clients - making sure they have the correct plan for their current needs.
  • Margo’s expenses are paid by the insurance company. She creates free proposals, walks clients through Medicare A/B/C/D enrollment and provides a realistic premium estimate for retiree planning and budget purposes.
  • IRMAA Appeals for high wealth individuals and HSA guidance.